So I have learned that there is often a marker in our genes for Hashimoto’s.
Where was mine?
Because I’ve been living with my parents for the past two years, I’ve learned a few things from my sister that I never knew before.
Like my dad commenting to her once when he saw her sprouting wheat that his mother used to sprout wheat and she tried many other different, holistic ways to improve her health through nutrition. His mother went blind after his birth because of hypertension. Her nurse sister-in-law came to visit once and saw how sick she was and told my grandfather to rush her to the hospital. She had to have the baby (my dad) that day!
My dad was born at 7 months. In 1931. He’s a survivor because the technology did not exist to save him at such an early gestational age! But Grandma went blind for three years due to cataracts. They finally were blue to correct them enough for her to see through coke bottle thick glasses, and she was grateful although embarrassed because they distorted her face my magnifying her eyes.
Grandma died at age 56 because of cirrhosis of the liver. She was being treated for sugar diabetes, and she had never drunk a drop of liquor in her life. Now we know there are other reasons besides alcoholism causing that disease, but then they hushed up the cause because they knew liquor could not have caused it.
Another cause is Hashimoto’s Disease.
They had not discovered that Hashimoto’s existed back in the 1950s.
My diagnosis came at age 58.
Was I living on borrowed time?
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