Friday, April 2, 2021

Day 22 What do you think?

So I've made it to Day 22. I just got a haircut, and it has been a hard day.  I've had a hard time staying upbeat. Several upsets.


One funny story.

I went for a drive this evening, and ended up retracing the drive to my high school and returned home by way of the high road, which is no longer the highest road on the mountain. Coming home, I detoured to go past my grandpa’s house, except I couldn’t find it. I went past several more times and couldn’t spot the jungle that marked his house. (When we sold the house, the new owners re-landscaped it and put far, far too many trees, bushes, and other plants in, and then let it overgrow the entire yard.) 

Finally, as I approached one last time, I spotted the west side of the house, a side that has been all but invisible for years!  Excitement growing, I searched for less overgrowth and saw it! The front porch!!!  I squealed with excitement! Last summer, I desperately wanted to see the house again so I walked up the driveway and up the walk until I reached the steps so I could actually see the front porch. The yard was THAT overgrown!  This time I could see the whole house as I drove by!  Id been missing it because the jungle was gone!

So to whomever owns it now, thank you so much! The house can breathe!

Now to show you day 22 with a non-smiling face:

With my preferred expression:

Day 0:

What do you think?  I'm thinking my skin is softer and has more volume and I think the lines are beginning to lessen. Especially the ones around my mouth.  I think the circles under my eyes are lessening as well.

And I also think I shall never start a before and after with an unsmiling picture!

Sunday, March 28, 2021

Day 17 check in

 Reporting in on the journey with the Isagenix Collagen Elixir at 17 days!

I’m 17 days into this Collagen Elixir trial, recovering from not much sleep, and hating that I didn’t smile at least a little bit in my first picture! I don’t like documenting my non-smiling self.  Smiles bring joy!

So Day 000 with no collagen elixir in my system. 

Zip, zero, nada.

And today. 

I know the backgrounds are different. I’m traveling. There’s not a lot I can do about that. I’m sorry. 

I still have dark bags, but I think the puffiness under my eye is lessening. The skin is soft and doesn’t feel dry anymore. That’s a BIG deal. The dark? Umm, heredity so a bit harder to eliminate. I’m not saying impossible, just to be clear!

The lines around my mouth are a little less chiseled. I’ll take it!

I much prefer smiling pictures. 

Much more personality!

I remember watching my dad and his smile lines and realizing that if I was going to have lines, I wanted more smiling lines than frown lines.

When we needed to wear masks, I was very happy that my eyes showed smiles.

Big blessing.

I also think every time I take a picture I’ll make sure I choose better colors, and boy am I seeing the difference! The blue sweatshirt in the first picture has great memories because I bought it in Boston, and I chose the one I liked the best, but it’s definitely a stay-at-home and be lazy shirt for me for now on!

That said, I value bringing back more elasticity into my skin. Fewer wrinkles.

I’ll take it.

So takeaways: 
1) I think I’m seeing improvement. 
2) Smile!
3) Wear colors that really enhance you.
4) Collagen Elixir 

Oh, yeah, I mentioned the softer skin. That’s all over, including my heels, because you don’t just put the elixir on the target areas. It’s a wonderful apple tasting drink that I enjoy!

Thursday, March 11, 2021

Day 1 and 2 collagen elixir

 I received my Collagen Elixir yesterday and immediately drank my first bottle.


Here's Day 1 picture:

This morning, I drank a bottle as soon as I got up because it's just the right amount of sweet.  Not too much and not too little!

Day 2:

It's windy outside, and I took my puppy for a walk.  He's sacked out now.  Learning to walk with me instead of racing after leaves scuttling across the sidewalk taxed him (and me) pretty hard!  


He's 16 weeks old.  We've had him for 7 weeks now.

He and my son Steven have good times playing!

Friday, February 19, 2021

Can I look younger?

Experiments.  When is the last time you experimented with something?





New project management technique?

Today I decided I was going to try an experiment with a collagen product that Isagenix offers.  I have found I'm cautious about posting pictures of myself, and none without smiling, because I am very aware of smile lines.  A few years ago a fellow at a mall kiosk put a product on my face that was supposed to last for 5 days.  It worked, but I thought the cost was prohibitive.  I decided to try a daily product from another source but my husband suggested I take a look at what Isagenix offered.  I have learned more and more about Isagenix products as he has continued to use their products in his pursuit of weight loss and pain management.

So here's my experiment.  I ordered the Beauty Afterglow Bundle.  I'm going to take pictures every day although I won't bore you with daily pictures--maybe weekly.  Let's see if it does lighten the lines on my face.  I won't actually receive the product for at least a week due to COVID and manufacturing delays due to the popularity of the product, but if I don't take and post the picture with today's time stamp, I may well forget!  So here I am without any makeup.