So I've made it to Day 22. I just got a haircut, and it has been a hard day. I've had a hard time staying upbeat. Several upsets.
One funny story.
I went for a drive this evening, and ended up retracing the drive to my high school and returned home by way of the high road, which is no longer the highest road on the mountain. Coming home, I detoured to go past my grandpa’s house, except I couldn’t find it. I went past several more times and couldn’t spot the jungle that marked his house. (When we sold the house, the new owners re-landscaped it and put far, far too many trees, bushes, and other plants in, and then let it overgrow the entire yard.)
Finally, as I approached one last time, I spotted the west side of the house, a side that has been all but invisible for years! Excitement growing, I searched for less overgrowth and saw it! The front porch!!! I squealed with excitement! Last summer, I desperately wanted to see the house again so I walked up the driveway and up the walk until I reached the steps so I could actually see the front porch. The yard was THAT overgrown! This time I could see the whole house as I drove by! Id been missing it because the jungle was gone!
So to whomever owns it now, thank you so much! The house can breathe!
Now to show you day 22 with a non-smiling face: