Tuesday, March 12, 2019

Who are we as a people? We define ourselves every minute!

Recently I had a soul defining moment that I've been dodging for YEARS.

It's called RETIREMENT, and it's LOOMING over us like someone else's nightmare.

And it has another name:  DEBT.  I finally had enough about a year ago.  Jim quit his job and went to the more risky venture of contracting his services.  In the process, he finally started getting paid closer to what he is worth.

And nothing changed.  Okay, his diet plan got easier to pay for.  But that was it.

How did that happen?  I know because I've always kept track of our money, but I didn't control it.  We simply responded to need and concerns.  We've tried very hard to teach our kids to avoid some common mistakes, mistakes that are labeled as DEBT.  Both of our sons have bought their cars with cash.

And then one son wrecked his car.  Yucky lesson.  It doesn't look too bad, does it?  But you can't see the underside.

You can see the flat tire but you may not realize the wheel itself broke.  Three of those wheels broke.  And all because someone else's schedule was more important to her than my son's safety.  He narrowly missed hitting a black SUV whose driver thought her left turn into the grocery/gas store was more important than my son's right of way on the state highway.  He missed her.  She didn't even have the grace to stop, but the person behind her did.  That lady made sure he was okay.  That curb he jumped?  It's okay too.  They stopped tallying the damages at $4,500.  He only paid $3,500 for the car.  The sign it broke is gone.  He's saving money again for a car instead of school but he still needs money for school next year.  

Remember last post where I talked about remembering the ugly about where our country has been?  Remember the Civil War?  Remember blacks being shoved to awful schools and the backs of buses?  This isn't a racial problem.  This is a courtesy problem.  This is forgetting we are all children of a loving Father in Heaven.  This is about being more concerned about others than our schedule or convenience.  

As my husband puts it, "People over processes."

This is where our education needs to redirect.  We've spent time and money on anti-bullying messages and we have bullying in our social media.  Let's spend time and money studying history again.  Stop tearing down the Confederate statues, not because they're good but because we NEVER WANT TO GO THERE AGAIN.

History unlearned is history repeated. 

Rudeness, all about me attitudes, result in unnecessary automobile accidents, road rage, hurt feelings, offenses taken where none were intended.  Go find a book.  Not fantasy but history.  Learn about what happens when people care more about themselves than others.  Then check into yourself.  Are you more like those who wanted your conveniences over the life of another human being?  Slavery wasn't just about black people.  Indentured servants were treated worse.  Factory workers?  What do you know about the plight of those children on the Orphan Trains?  Have you heard about them?  Liken what you're reading to yourself.  Are you more like the best in them or the worst?  What face do you wear online?  Behind the wheel?

THAT, my friends, is what defines us as a nation.

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