Saturday, September 22, 2018

Go west, young lady, Go west!

The long-awaited day came to take my daughter to college.  Snow College is a small (5,100 students), two-year college in central Utah in a town called Ephraim.  Ephraim has 6,135 residents and includes 3.6 square miles.  A super Walmart is on the outskirts of town and Snow College is approximately in the center of town, about 7 blocks south.  Another grocery store, Market Fresh, is close to the other end of town approximately 7 blocks further south from Snow College.  Ephraim boasts Anderson Drug and Floral, a Hawaiian restaurant, and a library and a few hotels.  There are other businesses and eateries as well but those were destinations we visited while I was there.

The Ephraim Cooperative Mercantile Association from the pioneer era.  Today it's a craft shop.

The Hawaiian restaurant, Kalama's Hawaiian Style, where I ate an excellent meal.

We also found the driver license bureau that operates in Ephraim, the Sanpete County seat, two days a week.  After some challenges getting two items showing that my daughter lives where she claimed, she was later able to pass the written test, produce required citizenship forms, and display TWO items proving her place of abode.  That was particularly difficult because Snow College requires students to get post office boxes and never reveal their physical address.  In fact, she received a document with a firm injunction that she NEVER receive mail addressed directly to her domicile.  They would, in fact, destroy anything that tried to be delivered that way.  They are very protective of their students living in on-campus housing.  We found a way to game the system, and those letters were delivered and the state driver license office accepted the posted envelopes.  (I sent her a card with both the post office box number and physical address listed.)  The first item, a letter provided by the college, was easy.

First week of classes.  This is a very pretty campus with helpful administrators.

The bell tower.  My daughter says the internet signal is strongest directly underneath.  (Verizon's signal stinks in this town.)  

The gateway to Snow College

The front desk of the dorm

At her desk in her room

The kitchen.  The only thing you can't see is the microwave and the front door and table across from the sink area.  There is no stove or oven.

Our creative solution to covering her closet, a shower curtain and rod.

My daughter and I in back of her dorm.

Registering for a class at the Institute of Religion of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.  The building is conveniently located kitty corner from her dorm.  She's chatting with her dad, who just started a new job, on the phone.

The reading/studying lounge in the Institute.

Half of the multi-purpose room in the Institute

Looking down the street after unloading the car into her dorm room.

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