Here's a picture of the stack of finished blocks with the Christmas tree block and the green fabric on the bottom that I've chosen for sashing. So far I've only bought one small piece of fabric to make this quilt. Unfortunately, I don't have enough fabric to make the quilt back or batting, but 99% of the top will be from my stash!
Now I have to make some big decisions like:
- How big of a quilt do I want to make? Is it going to be a lap quilt, a blanket, or a bedspread? Originally I had planned to make a queen size quilt because I have a queen size bed. I'm not sure now though. It might be nicer to have it to cuddle up in on the couch or reading a book.
- How am I going to lay it out? I also noticed, while it was spread out on the floor, that these blocks will make a very scrappy, very busy quilt if I push all the pieces together. I also went back to the original pattern and realized I had turned my pieces differently than the Amy Gibson at Stitchery, Dickory, Dock, contributing to an even busier pattern. My eyes felt like they were fighting each other trying to find something to focus on so I decided to put sashing in between each block in order to reinforce some order and cohesion to the whole quilt.
- Because of #2, I want to make another quilt with the same fabrics to see what different affect might be had by turning the bigger squares toward the center of each block and also using a plain color for the center block. This Christmas project may never end!
- If I made a blanket 5 blocks across by 6 blocks down, with 2 1/2" sashing in between each block, how big would the blanket be?
- If I put the Christmas tree block in the center of the quilt, would that also give a little more cohesion to the quilt? Or would that be better just to use as a pillow? Leaning that way especially since I don't have a dead center block if I put 6 blocks down and 5 across unless I appliqué it on the center top.
- Do I use a quilt as you go technique or just make the quilt top? I'll probably just stitch in the ditch if I quilt it on my machine or tie it on my quilting frame.
Neat quilts on the web!
On other browsing, I found this Christmas tree skirt from Missouri Star Quilt Company that I want to make out of my stash. (See what I mean? This Christmas project may never end!)
A little late for this year's Valentine's Day, I think this dimensional mini-quilt from Made by Me in Red (directions by Moda Bake Shop) would be a really cute to make one or all of my kids for V-day decorations. If only one, I'd have to choose my daughter because she does all the holiday decorations around here!
While you're at it, check out this patch pink rail quilt from Scrapbox Quilts!
And another link just because I love foxes! If you follow Courtepointe & MOI's link to the patterns page, you'll find several fox quilt patterns. The blog is written in French, I believe, but translated to English too. These aren't free but they are cute!
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